
Friday, July 8, 2011

The German Shepherd Dog

World Champion: Baer von Bann

The German Shepherd Dog also known as an Alsatian, (German: Deutscher Schäferhund) is a large-breed dog whose roots go back to Germany. Because of it's body type and strength, the German Shepherd Dog is popular among service men and different branches of the military.


The breed was originally developed to help shepherds herd their sheep. Max von Stephanitz is the person responsible for the development of this breed. Von Stephanitz believed that dogs should be bred for working and that the breed was to be improved by breeding out defects from each specimen. He founded the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (Society for the German Shepherd Dog) with Horand von Grafrath as the very first German Shepherd Dog to be registered under the breed registry.

One of the traits of the GSD are their upright ears
which are developed as the dog matures.
German Shepherd Dogs Today

German Shepherd Dogs today are the product of careful breeding with the development of breed in mind. Although puppy mills and backyard breeders are still rampant, breed enthusiasts continue what Von Stephanitz started.

Most German Shepherd dogs can be found as bomb sniffing dogs, police officers, seeing eye dogs, tracking dogs, personal protections and many other service oriented tasks.

Caring for a German Shepherd Dog

The German Shepherd Dog is a great breed but comes with a lot of requirements. Through the years and careless breeding by irresponsible breeders, the breed has been riddles with issues such as hip dysplasia, missing teeth and ill temperament.

This is my personal breed of choice and i have a German Shepherd Dog myself and i don't see myself owning any other breed.

Like the breed? Share your thoughts with us


  1. Good post, baer von bann was a very influential in the development of our bloodline in the philippines. keep em coming

  2. Great site champ you know this is my favorite breed as well I miss my Gauner


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