
Monday, July 11, 2011

The Boston Terrier

"The American Gentleman"
The Boston Terrier is a small breed dog that originated from Boston, Massachusetts. Also known as the "American Gentleman", the Boston Terrier's appearance, gentle disposition, and temperament make them ideal companions and house pets. They are usually black, sable or seal with white markings.


The breed was first developed for fighting in 1870. A Boston man purchased an imported dog named Hooper's Judge and is the ancestor of all true modern Boston Terriers.

The breed is the outcome of an English Bulldog and a white English Terrier. Developed by americans, the Boston Terrier breed was officially known in 1891 taking with it the name of its city of origin.


Boston Terriers are typically small and compact. Bred as fighting dogs, they may resemble a miniaturized Pit Bull. They have short and wide snouts and marble-like eyes. Ears are usually erect and pointed.


Boston Terriers may suffer from the following diseases:
  • brachycephalic syndrome
  • stenotic nares
  • hypothyroidism
  • eye diseases
  • cataract and corneal dystrophy deafness
  • patellar luxation
  • hip dysplasia
  • epilepsy
  • dermatitis.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative. Sad though that breeding has caused them to have so many illnesses. On a lighter note.....The Boston Terrier is a Cutie!!!!!!


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