
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The English Bulldog

The English Bulldog
The Bulldog is a common name for the breed English Bulldog /  British Bulldog. The Bulldog is a medium-sized dog with wide shoulders and a matching head. They are very muscular and are seemingly menacing which does injustice to the dogs temperament. This breed is usually kind and gentle and would make very good house pets.


The Bulldog has a wide head with deep set eyes. The jaws are wide, massive and extends to both sides of the face. Teeth are with an underbite. Chest is deep and wide giving the look of strength and power. Body is muscular and compact with credence to its original purpose (Bullbaiting). Front legs are spread out which gives the Bulldog a lot of stability and solid footing. Ears are thin and a little high up on the head and the tail is either strait or curled and held low.

The Bulldog's coat color may vary from red brindle, and other shades of brindle, solid white, solid red, fawn, fallow, piebald, pale yellow or washed-out red or white or a combination of these colors.


Bull-baiting was
banned in the 1900's
The Bulldog originates from Britain. The name Bulldog has evolved from Bolddogge with influence from the gambling sport of bullbaiting. The original Bulldog had to be very ferocious and so savage and courageous as to be almost insensitive to pain. During the 1800's the sport of dog fighting was banned from the United Kingdom and the Bulldog outlived its intended purpose.

Bullbaiting was a sport in which the Bulldog played a key role in. A bull was strapped onto a pole and the Bulldog was made to attack it. The Bulldogs were also utilized in the herding of bulls at one point. it was dangerous for an individual to approach a bull. Bulldogs were trained to attach them selves to the bull's nose making it easier for humans to tie a rope around the bull's neck.

An English Bulldog puppy

The Bulldogs of today have better temperament as compared to its predecessors. Aggression has been outbred carefully by breeders but retaining the breeds strong will and determination. The Bulldog is pretty much a sedentary dog and will do especially well indoors. With the right amount of leadership from a pack leader and exercise, the Bulldog will make a great companion for your home.


As with almost all dogs, the Bulldog needs to be walked daily. Regular excercise while under the pack leadership will ensure your the Bulldog's stability and temperament. Bulldogs are known to be fast and cunning but not for long distances. Moderate walking distances are more suited for this breed.

Health Issues:

  • Breathing problems
  • Poor eyesight
  • very susceptible to heat stroke
  • Very cold sensitive 
  • Susceptible to skin infections
  • Joint problems 
  • Prone to flatulence

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